Love Lessons is a documentary that narrates the relationship of seven couples together for over fifty years. In an intimate tone, we are introduced to the daily contact of these couples and discover how they have matured over the years, in accounts that recall the dreams that were fulfilled, the difficulties transposed side by side and those imposed today by old age, common fears, changes in the way of perceiving the relationship throughout life and in the context of social changes in the country in recent decades. Love, loyalty and closeness to death reveal the challenges and the choice to live side by side.
Rosa Fidelis de Souza, Manoel Amaro de Souza, Dirce Fernandes Garcia, Ubaldo Garcia, Jacyra Cândido Alves dos Santos, Olício Alves dos Santos, Maria De Souza Gonzaga, José Gonzaga, Maria Helena de Almeida da Silva, Euclides da Silva, Rachel da Rocha Pomar, Wladimir Ventura Torres Pomar, Maria de Fátima Marques da Silva e Ester Costa Machado
Paula Braun
Paula Braun
Encantamento Filmes e Miríade Filmes
Erica de Freitas e Beatriz Seigner
Executive Production Assistant Hérica Martins, Julia Paiva e Quézia Lopes
Production Direction: Beatriz Seigner
Production Set: Ibirá Machado
Elo Company – Selo Elas
Executive Prodution
Erica de Freitas e Beatriz Seigner
Marcelo Lordello e Camila Freitas
Jordana Berg
Daniele Pimentel
Sound Design
Caio Barreto, Alexandre Griva e Melhor do Mundo Estúdios
Direct Sound
Moabe Filho, Gian Ciminelli, Gustavo Oliveira e Bruno Espírito Santo
Poster / Graphic Design
El Torito / Patrícia Pifano / Ezidras Farinazzo
Mihay Freire e Federico Puppi